
Frontier Exploration of Key Components for Optical Chips

Li Jian Qing, Shu Yi Qing, Hu Hai Guo, Zhang Ying Fang

Macau University of Science and Technology

As "Moore's Law" approaches its physical limit, traditional electronic chips can no longer meet the growing demand for computing power. Exploring optical chips is an effective way to solve the problem. With the support of the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and so on, our team has combined its strengths in the field of optical devices with the national needs, and carried out a cutting-edge exploration of optical chip key components, such as modulators and optoelectronic detectors, etc. Using the strong light-matter interaction, we designed an optical logic gate based on the hybrid dimensional heterojunction and realized the logical "or" function by optical method, which provides reference for the development of all-optical signal processing technology (Fig. 1). Based on the strong Kerr nonlinearity effect of 2D graphene, we proposed a nonlinear photonic diode which breaks the time-reversal symmetry and achieves the unidirectional excitation of Kerr nonlinearity, providing an important reference for the application study of photonic diodes (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1 (a) Symbol of logical OR gate; (b) The circuit model of the OR gate; (c) The waveform of “A”, “B”, and “Y”; (d) The optical model to realize the OR gate based on Te@Bi QDs TNs; (e) Result obtained from the optical OR gate.

Fig 2 All-optical light-control-light system based on SXPM with two crossing light (532 nm and 671 nm); (b) Images of the diffraction rings for the probe light when the power of pump light changes from 60 mW to 80 mW; (c) The proposed all-optical switching based on 2D Te NSs dispersions by pump light to modulate the probe light in order to achieve the ON/OFF modes.