Giant Whale Information Technology Co. Limited


Giant Whale Information Technology Co., Ltd. (GWIT) is committed to transforming online teaching into products, helping students learn through mobile devices, multimedia and other expansion effects. We have always adhered to the enterprise spirit of "using technology to achieve efficient knowledge dissemination and equal rights of knowledge." We committed to cooperating with universities, educational institutions, and academic groups in China and the UK. To build a two-way interactive bridge and platform for educational and cultural exchanges and promote in-depth cooperation with well-known British universities such as Cambridge University and Oxford University. In November 2021, GWIT became the exclusive partner of The Cambridge Centre for the Integration of Science, Technology and Culture, and The Cambridge Comparative Cognition Lab in Macau and is committed to shaping its three major platforms (WeAsk, WeLearn, WeShare) and education and cultural services into a Macau education brand.


Expositores: Giant Whale Information Technology Co. Limited
Método de contato: 馬俊杰